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Artist Statement

         I began working with clay in my freshman year of high school. I am drawn to clay, mainly because I can't draw very well. Even though I wasn't the best artist (drawing wise), I knew I still wanted to take an art class in high school. I find ceramics fun, entertaining, and enjoyable. Everyday it makes the  school day a little less stressful for me, and it teaches me to be creative.

          I create a new ceramic piece by thinking of topics, themes, and issues that I find interesting. I am also inspired by other ceramic artists, and their work. I like to challenge myself when working on a new project, whether it's experimenting with new glaze colors, or trying a different construction method that I have never used before. Most, if not all of the time, I am not 100% sure what my piece may look like after the kiln firing, especially with high fire glazes. No matter how it ends up, I am always proud and content with the piece that I have created. 

          My current work is a mix of my interests, passions, and hobbies. It's very similar to what career I want in the future. For example, I created salt and pepper shakers that were based off of a roller coaster. When I'm older I plan to work, sell, and design roller coaster's for large amusement parks. It was a very challenging form to create, but it also showed me how to be creative with small models of roller coaster's. By creating this, I was exploring and attempting new ways to build a functional base for salt and pepper shakers. 

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